Minkina V., Shabunya S., Dmitrenko Yu. Stability of storage of sodium borohydride as source of hydrogen // Abstracts of the congress topics ACHEMA 2006, 14-19 May, Frank-furt am Main, Germany.
Minkina V., Dmitrenko Yu., Zhdanok S., Klevan R. Peculiarities of methane to hydrogen conversion in catalytic partial oxidation reactor // II International Scientific Workshop “Nonequilibrium processes and their applications in combustion and plasma based technologies”, 2006.
Shabunya S.I., Martynenko V.V., Phenomenological approach to simulation of deflagration explosions. Part 1. Basic model assumptions and governing equations // International workshop, Nonequilibrium processes in combustion and plasma based technologies, august 26 - 31, 2006, pp. 113-117, Minsk, Belarus.
Shabunya S.I., Martynenko V.V., Mikanovich A.S. Phenomenological approach to simulation of deflagration explosions. Part 2. Explosion of hemispheric balloon filled by stoichiometric hydrogen/air mixture // International workshop Nonequilibrium processes in combustion and plasma based technologies, august 26 - 31, 2006, pp. 118-123, Minsk, Belarus.
Minkina V., Shabunya S., Kalinin V., Martynenko V. Storage Stability of Water-Alkaline Compositions of Borohydrides // Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, New-York, USA, 18-20 June 2007, p.215.
Minkina V., Shabunya S., Kalinin V., Martynenko V. Storage stability of strong solutions of alkali metals borohydride as a hydrogen source // Proceedings of X International Conference “Hydrogen Materials Science and Chemistry of Carbon Nanomaterials”, Sudak Crimea Ukraine, September 22-28, 2007, pp.1072-1073.
Rolin M., Shabunya S., Rostaing J.-C., Perrin J. Self-consistent modelling of a microwave discharge in neon and argon at atmospheric pressure // Plasma sources science and Technology, V. 16, Iss. 3, 2007, 480-491.
Minkina V., Shabunya S., Kalinin V. Sodium borohydride as a way of hydrogen storage // Book of Abstract The International Conference Advanced Processing of Novel Functional Materials - APNFM2008. Dresden, Germany, January 23-25, 2008.
Minkina V., Shabunya S., Kalinin V., Martynenko V. Storage Stability of Water-Alkaline Compositions of Borohydrides // J. Fuel Cell & Technology.
Shabunya S.I., Martynenko V.V., Kalinin V.I. et al. Differential methods for experimental study of sodium borohydride kinetically // The Third Intern. Workshop “Nonequilibrium Processes in Combustion and Plasma Based Technologies”, Minsk, Belarus, August 23–28. 2008. Pp. 125–130.
S.I. Shabunya,V.V. Martynenko, A.S. Mikanovich, Perfection of phenomenological model of deflagration explosion under non–self-similar conditions, // The Third Intern. Workshop “Nonequilibrium Processes in Combustion and Plasma Based Technologies”, Minsk, Belarus, August 23–28. 2008. Pp. 70–74.
V.G. Minkina, S.I. Shabunya, , V.I. Kalinin,, V.V. Martynenko,, A.L. Smirnova Long-Term Stability of Sodium Borohydrides for Hydrogen Generation // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.33. Issue 20, October 2008, pp. 5629-5635.
A.A. Nesteruk, V.I. Kalinin. Experimental technique for investigation of sodium borohydride hydrolysis by hydrogenometry // Proc. of annual conference of young scientists on energy issues, CYSENI 2009“, Kaunas: LEI. 2009
Minkina V.G., Shabunya S.I., Kalinin V.I., Martynenko V.V., Borohydride for hydrogen energy application // Proceedings of the XI International Conference ICHMS’2009 (Hydrogen Materials Science & Chemistry of Carbon Nano-materials), 2009 Yalta-Crimea-UKRAINE pp. 1054-1057.
Kalinin V.I., Minkina V.G., Shabunya S.I., Martynenko V.V. Automated installation producing pure hydrogen by borohydrides catalytic hydrolysis // Proceedings of the XI International Conference ICHMS’2009 (Hydrogen Materials Science & Chemistry of Carbon Nano-materials), 2009 Yalta-Crimea-UKRAINE pp. 1058-1061.
Minkina V., Shabunya S., Kalinin V., Martynenko V., Yoshida H. Hydrolysis of sodium borohydride for hydrogen generation // Proc. of World Hydrogen Energy Congress WHEC 2010, May, Essen, Germany 6 p.
Nesteruk A.A. Use of quasi-stationary mode for determination of coefficients for sodium borohydride alkali solutions hydrolysis kinetics // Proc. of International Humboldt Conference “Integrating science and technology for sustainable energy development as basis for secure future SSF-2010”.June, 3 – 6. Minsk. 2010. Pp. 67-69.
Andreyev S., User driven applications. Cornell University Library // Computing Research Repository (CoRR), 33. www.sourceforge.net)
Andreyev S., Cornell University Library, World of movable objects // Computing Research Repository (CoRR), 368. www.sourceforge.net).
Minkina V., Shabunya S., Kalinin V., Martynenko V., Yoshida H. Hydrogen generation from sodium borohydride // Proc. of FC Academic Forum, 2011, March, 2-4, Tokyo, Japan.
Shabunya S., Nesteruk., Minkina V., Martynenko V., Yoshida H. Simulation of the hydrolysis of water alkaline solution of sodium borohydride // Proc. of FC Academic Forum, 2011, March, 2-4, Tokyo, Japan.
Andreyev S. Into the World of Movable Object // IEEE publication, Computing in Science and Engineering. V. 13 N4 P. 79 – 86 (2011), 7 www.sourceforge.net)
Andreyev S. World of movable objects // 553 www.sourceforge.net.
S. P. Fisenko, V.V. Martynenko, S.I. Shabunya and S.A. Zhdanok Coalescence of carbon clusters in a catalytic nanodroplet and formation of carbon nanofibre // Smart Nanocomposites (2010) V. 1, Issue 2 Pp.163-172.
S. P. Fisenko, S.I. Shabunya, V.V. Martynenko, S.A. Zhdanok Suprising thermal effect during growth of carbon nanofibres via “vapor-liquid-solid” route // Proc. of Int. Conf. Nanomeeting 2011, Pp. 81-83.
V.I. Ignatenko, S.I. Shabunya S., V.V. Martynenko Development of algorithms for simulation of diffusion combustion of steel, and recovery of diffusion coefficient of oxygen in the iron oxide layer // The 9th Int. Conf. of Young Scientists on Energy Issues, may 24-25, 2012, Lithuanian Energy Institute, Kaunas, Lithuania, 16 p.
V.G. Minkina., S.I. Shabunya, V.I. Kalinin, V.V. Martynenko, A.L. Smirnova Stability of Alkaline Aqueous Solutions of Sodium Borohydride / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.37. Issue 4, February 2012, 3313-3318.