Radiation-Convective Heat Exchange Lab
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- Development of drying technologies and technique of materials (wood, food products, drugs, etc.)
Study of mechanical and rheological properties of viscoelastic media;
technologies of their practical application, including those for high-precision finishing of surfaces of optical components - Development of modern designs of industrial furnace equipment for metal heating and thermal treatment
- Study of processes of heat and mass transfer at first-kind phase changes and development of efficient heat transfer devices based on them, including heat pipes and heat pumps
- Development of methods for heat and mass transfer enhancement in industrial and evaporative power cooling equipment with the intent to enhance its thermal performance
- Diagnostics of the thermal state of industrial, building, biological objects, engineering devices
- Study of the thermophysical properties of materials over a wide range of temperatures and environmental impacts
- Automation of thermal regimes of operation of different-purpose technological devices
- Investigation of production processes of technical carbon
- Hydrodynamics and heat/mass transfer in heterogeneous systems and pulsating flows
- Study of the distinctive features of cavitation in flows in rotor-pulsation devices
- Technologies and technique of pyrolysis, gasification, combustion and processing of fuel and waste
- Production and use of nano-structured materials, modeling of nanosystems by the molecular dynamics methods
- Enhancement of heat and mass transfer in two-phase flows with regard to phase and chemical changes in evaporative cooling devices of thermal and atomic power plants
- Filtration combustion: heat and mass transfer processes, chemical reactions and hydrodynamics, new applications (production of activated coal from the wood industry waste, cleaning of air, water and soil from organic pollutants)
- Modeling of fire spreading (in particular, peat fires) with a view to resolve the tasks of fire and explosion safety