1 |
Influence of the filler type and concentration on thermophysical properties of epoxy based composites at low temperatures
4th Int. Symp. On Nanostuctural and Functional Polymer-Based Materials and Nanocomposites, Rome, Italy, 16-18.04. 2008. | Evseeva L.E., Tanaeva S.A.Filatova O.S. | ||
3 | Influence of the CNT-concentration on thermal physical properties of epoxy/carbon nanotube composites at low temperatures |
15th Int. Conf. On Mechanics of Composite Materials “MCM-2008”, Riga, Latvia, 26-30.05. 2008. (доклад и тезисы) |
Evseeva L.E., Tanaeva S.A. | ||
4 | Influence of the CNT-concentration on thermal physical properties of epoxy/carbon nanotube composites at low temperatures | 15th Int. Conf. On Mechanics of Composite Materials “MCM-2008”, Riga, Latvia, 26-30.05. 2008. | Evseeva L.E., Tanaeva S.A. | ||
5 |
Cryogenic stability and thermal conductivity of several epoxy compounds at low temperatures |
18 European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, Pau, France, 31.09-4.09. 2008 |
Evseeva L.E. | ||
6 | “Influence of the filler type and concentration on thermophysical properties of epoxy based composites at low temperatures”. | Journal of Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites | Evseeva L.E., Tanaeva S.A., Filatova O.S. | ||
7 | “Thermal physical properties of the unidirectional CFRP with different angles of the reinforcement at low temperatures”. | 18 Eur. Conf. on Thermophysical Properties, Pau, France, 31.09-4.09. 2008 | Evseeva L.E., Tanaeva S.A. | ||
8 |
Model of the interaction of electromagnetic and thermal fields in delay media |
J. of Engineering Physics and Thermophisics. 2009. Vol. 82. No. 1. Pp. 176–182. DOI 10.1007/s10891-009-0178-9. | Grinchik N. N., Erofeenko V. T., Kozlovskaya I. S. and Pulko Yu.V. | ||
9 |
Effect of adsorbed moisture on thermal physical properties of epoxy/CNT nanocomposites |
5th Int. ECNP Conf. on Nanostuctured Polymers and Nanocomposites, Paris, France, 15-17 April 2009. | Dragun V.L., Evseeva L.E., Tanaeva S.A. | ||
10 | “THE TERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF CONVENTIONAL CFRPs AND CNT-NANOCOMPOSITES UNDER ALTERNATING HEAT IMPACT”. | 16th Int. Conf. On Mechanics of Composite Materials “MCM-2010”, Riga, Latvia, 24-28.05. 2010. | Evseeva L.E., Tanaeva S.A. | ||
11 | Influence of the filler type and concentration on thermophysical properties of epoxy based composites at low temperatures | 31th International Thermal Conductivity Conference and the 19th International Thermal Expansion Symposium, Saguenay (Québec, Canada), June 26-30, 2011. | Dragun V.L., Evseeva L.E., Tanaeva S.A. | ||
12 | The efficiency of paint-type heat-insulating coat estimation | The 7th Annual Conference of Young Scientists on Energy Issues: Conf. Proc., May 27-28, 2010, Kaunas, Lithuania. CD with ISSN number: 1822-7554. P. 139-144 |
Dragun V.L., Danilova-Tretiak S.M., V.G.Leschenko |
13 | Fundamental problems of the electrodynamics of heterogeneous media with boundary conditions corresponding to the total-current continuity | Electromagnetic waves propagation in complex matter/Chapter 2, p. 25-55, Published by Intech, 2011, Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia | Grinchik N.N. et al | ||
14 | “Numerical methods of calculating heat conductivity of filled polymers”. | 9th Thermal Stresses Congress, Budapest (Hungary), 5-9 June, 2011. | Bachurina A., Belko A., Nikitin A., Evseeva L., Tanaeva S. | ||
15 | TERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF CONVENTIONAL CFRPs AND CNT-NANOCOMPOSITES UNDER ALTERNATING HEAT IMPACT | 7th Int. ECNP Conf. on Nanostuctured Polymers and Nanocomposites, Prague, Czech Republic, 24-27 April 2012. | Danilova-Tretiak S., Evseeva L., Tanaeva S. | ||
16 | «THERMAL BEHAVIOR OF COMPOSITES CONTAINING CARBON FIBERS OR CARBON NANOTUBES UNDER CRYOGENIC THERMAL CYCLING». | 17th Int. Conf. On Mechanics of Composite Materials “MCM-2010”, Riga, Latvia, 28.05-01.06. 2012. Р.2.6 | Evseeva L., Tanaeva S.A. |
Main Research Lines
Complex experimental researches of different composite materials properties, namely:
- investigation of thermophysical properties of wide range materials including polymer composites, glass-, organic-, carbon-plastics by monotone heating method in temperature range of -150..+175 °С;
- investigation of thermophysical properties of composite materials by method of laser flash in temperature range of RT..+1100 °С;
- investigation of different external factors (low temperature, thermal cycling, irradiation, high-concentrated energy fluxes) influence on thermophysical properties of materials.
Modeling of thermal processes in different objects.